

  • 住宿–澳門君怡酒店
  • 餐飲–蕉葉屋、Folkoffee、漢城韓國燒烤火鍋
  • 保健/美容–高士德牙科醫療診所
  • 購物–美捷生活有限公司、Tesla Energia Macau Limitada
  • 其他–博士翻譯有限公司


  • 如遺失校友卡,可按此申請補發。
  • 建議於使用優惠前,先向商戶了解「澳大校友卡優惠」之最新情況。
商戶名稱 Name of Vendor電話 Tel優惠詳情 Offer details

Grandview Hotel Macau

(853) 2883-7788-惠顧酒店餐廳 (華倫西餐廳、君悅軒及醉怡吧)可獲九折優惠




公眾假期及前夕: 原定房價五折

* 包括兩份自助餐早餐

* 免費升級客房服務

* 餐飲優惠不適用於公眾假期和特別節日、飲宴及節日餐牌

* 須提前預訂房間

* 有效期至2025年12月31日

  • Enjoy 10% off discount privilege at restaurants and bar list below:
    • Valencia Restaurant, Kuan I Hin Chinese Restaurant and Cherrie’s Corner
  • Accommodation
    • Sunday to Friday: 70% off tariff rate
    • Saturday: 55% off tariff rate
    • Public holidays and Eve: 50%off tariff rate

* Inclusive two complimentary buffet breakfasts

* Free upgrade to next room category

* The F&B discount offer does not apply to public holidays and special occasions, and is not valid for banquet and festive menu

* Advance reservation is required

* Valid until 31 December 2025

商戶名稱 Name of Vendor電話 Tel優惠詳情 Offer details
蕉葉屋 B. Leaf(853) 2883-1741*優惠詳情:

持有澳大校友卡可享9折優惠 (只限堂食),特價食品、飲品、父母親節、情人節及公眾假期除外


*Promotion details:

UM alumni card holders can enjoy 10% discount for dine-in only, excluding special prices on food, drinks, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and public holidays.

*Valid till 31 July 2025

Folkoffee(853) 6208-9489*優惠詳情:



*Promotion details:

UM alumni card holders can enjoy 10% discount on all drinks

*Valid till 01 July 2025


Hon Seng Korean Restaurant

(853) 2882-7205*優惠詳情:

持有澳大校友卡可享9折優惠 (只限堂食),特價食品、飲品、父母親節、情人節及公眾假期除外


*Promotion details:

UM alumni card holders can enjoy 10% discount for dine-in only, excluding special prices on food, drinks, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and public holidays.

*Valid till 31 July 2025

商戶名稱 Name of Vendor電話 Tel優惠詳情 Offer details

Consultório Dentário Costa

(853) 2852-6526*優惠詳情:


  1. 首次就診可享免費口腔檢查,送數碼口腔全景片
  2. 全口洗牙及噴砂除漬7.5折
  3. 補牙7.5折
  4. 拔牙8 – 8.5折
  5. 植牙8.8折,送電腦斷層掃瞄檢查 (CT Scan)
  6. 矯正8.8折


*Promotion details:

UM alumni card holders are entitled to enjoy discounts on the following dental treatment items:

  1. Enjoy a free oral examination and a digital oral panoramic photo for the first visit
  2. 25% off on scaling & prophylaxis
  3. 25% off on dental fillings
  4. 15-20% off on extraction
  5. 12% off on dental implantation, including free oral CT Scan
  6. 12% off on orthodontics

*Valid till 31 December 2025 (Reservations are required in advance)

商戶名稱 Name of Vendor電話 Tel優惠詳情 Offer details

Magic Collections Limited

(853) 6297-4640*優惠詳情:


·  正價貨品7折優惠

·  買4R size 按摩椅 (特價MOP13,880) (Hope +), 送65吋 Hope+65” 4K電視乙部


*Promotion details:

UM alumni card holders can enjoy:

·   30% off on regular priced items

·    Get a 65-inch Hope+65” 4K TV for free while purchase a 4R size massage chair (special price MOP13,880) (Hope +)

*Valid till 1 October 2025

Tesla Energia Macau Limitada(853) 2850-9501*優惠詳情:


  • 訂購全新Tesla Model 3後輪驅動或長續航時享有額外HK$10,000購車優惠和特快交付
  • 訂購全新Tesla Model Y後輪驅動、長續航或Performance時享有額外HK$10,000購車優惠和特快交付

註:上述優惠名額有限 ,先到先得,請在訂閱前查詢。


*Promotion details:

UM alumni card holders can enjoy:

  • Extra HK$10,000 credits for Model 3 and Priority Delivery (Applicable to Rear-Wheel Drive and Long Range only)
  • Extra HK$10,000 credits for Model Y and Priority Delivery (Applicable to Rear-Wheel Drive, Long Range and Performance only)

Note: Quotas are limited, first come first served while quota lasts, please check with the vendor before placing order.

*Valid till 31 December 2024

商戶名稱 Name of Vendor電話 Tel優惠詳情 Offer details

Boss Translation Company Limited

(853) 2882-8028*優惠詳情:



*Offers details:

– Enjoy 20% off for translation services

*Valid till 31 December 2025