
The Alumni and Development Office (ADO) and the Career Development Centre (CDC) co-organized “Corporate Experience Scheme – Chat Hour” to visit LECM with over 20 students on 26 October afternoon. The delegation were greeted and welcomed by UM alumni, including Dr. Ao Peng Kong (Class of 2007, PhD in Civil Engineering), Board of Director of LECM and four Civil Engineers from different departments. They are alumnus Cris Tam (Class of 2008, BsC in Civil Engineering) from the Department of Quality and Standardization, alumnus Ng Weng Sio (Class of 1995, BsC in Civil Engineering) form Geotechnical Department, alumnus Po Chi Wah (Class of 2009, BsC in Civil Engineering) from the Department of Construction Materials, and Lio Sai Kuan (Class of 2004, BsC in Civil Engineering) from the Department of Coordination and Technical Support.

Dr. Ao introduced the laboratory structure and what kinds of technological support in the areas of civil engineering and related sciences LECM provided to local industry, which helped students to have a better understanding of the laboratory and the industry. Dr. Ao emphasized that a civil engineer should equip with professional knowledge as well as teamwork spirit and good communication skills. He encouraged student to adopt a proactive mindset.

Afterwards, 4 alumni gave an introduction to the departments they are working in and shared their career insight and experience with the students. A tour to labs including Center of Foundation and Prospecting, Laboratory of Center of Soil and Pavements, Laboratory of Asphalt, Laboratory of Chemistry, Laboratory of Concrete and Laboratory of Cement guided by alumni was arranged to the students. After touring, students got better understanding about the daily operations of each lab.