校友及發展辦公室在”2023畢業照拍攝日”當日設有“禮傳心意” 籌款活動,旨在讓準畢業生友提供一個回饋大學及向師友傳達心意的機會。
由即日起,可於辦公時間(星期一至四:09:00–13:00, 14:30–17:45,星期五:09:00–13:00, 14:30–17:30)親臨行政樓2樓2021室進行捐款及領取禮品。禮品詳情請參閱列表。
如有查詢,可於辦公時間致電 (853) 8822 4903/ 8822 8859 或電郵至ado@um.edu.mo與校友及發展辦公室聯絡。
ADO organized the “Express the Gratitude with a Gift” fundraising campaigns on-site during the “Graduation Photo-taking Day 2023”, for graduate-to-be to express gratitude towards the university or appreciate those who have helped and supported you along the way.
You can visit ADO for making donations and collecting gifts at Room 2021 at the Administration Building (N6) during office hours (Mon to Thurs:09:00–13:00, 14:30–17:45, Fri:09:00–13:00, 14:30–17:30). Please refer to the list of gifts for detailed information.
Courtesy reminder: Cash only and no changes will be given.
Should you have any enquiry, please contact our Office by phone (853) 8822 4903/ 8822 8859 or email to ado@um.edu.mo during office hours.